Saturday, March 15, 2008

posting problems

It seems as if my blog hasn't posted some of my messages. I hope you get this one!

In my previous blogs I told you how impressed I am about your blogging - both your original writings and especially your thoughtful responses to your classmates. Having friends who encourage you like this is a great gift.

This time I would like to join Lili in telling you what a great class you have been, and how you have made it a pleasure to come into class. You have worked hard, have developed your thinking, and have achieved a lot. Your interesting papers and lively presentations should tell you that. Congratulations! Just a little more to go now.

As you did for the units in the first half of the session, please add a blog about the units in the second half as well. Your comments are very helpful as we work toward finalizing the materials. (Technical problems have been solved, thank heavens.)

Have a good weekend,

Friday, February 1, 2008

critical thinking lecture

Yesterday was a full afternoon of lecture (and camera problems!) with ideas that will continue to be important to you in your studies, your work, and everyday life in Canada.

There was a lot of information given, and to be sure we understood the important parts of it, I would like you to go over your notes this weekend, add information, clarify points, and put a "?" next to information that wasn't clear. We will discuss the lecure Monday afternoon.

On your blog, please write a brief reaction to the lecture.

Enjoy the weekend, the snow, the quiet.